Faculty Profile

ژانت الیزابت بلک


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/12/15

ژانت الیزابت بلک

حقوق / حقوق بشر و حقوق محیط زیست

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Engaging "Communities, Groups and Individuals" in the International Mechanisms of the 2003 Intangible Heritage Convention"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 26, pp.113-137, 2019
  2. "Museums and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage - Facilitating Participation"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
  3. "UNESCOs 2003 Convention and Sustainable Development the International Policy Context and National Experiences"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Islamic Studies on Human Rights and Democracy, Vol. 2, pp.17-30, 2018
  4. "Protecting Religious Diversity for Building Peace and Preventing Violence"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Islamic Studies on Human Rights and Democracy, Vol. 1, pp.1-13, 2017
  5. "Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Event of Armed Conflict An Imperative for Cultural Heritage Humanitarian and Human Rights Law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    europa ethnica, pp.73-81, 2017
  6. "From Traditional Culture and Folklore to Intangible Cultural Heritage - Evolution of a treaty"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Santander Art and Culture Law Review, Vol. 2, pp.41-60, 2017
  7. "Gender Equality and Intangible Cultural Heritage under UNESCO s 2003"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    UNESCO ICH courier, Vol. 24, pp.3-3, 2015
  8. "Editorial Material culture of the Middle East its Intangible Dimensions and New Museums"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Anthropology of the Middle East, Vol. 1, pp.1-7, 2015
  9. "From Global to Local Heritage Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Role of the Museum"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Anthropology of the Middle East, Vol. 10, pp.18-25, 2015
  10. "Seven years of implementing UNESCO S 2003 Intangible Heritage Convention - honeymoon period or seven year itch"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 3, pp.291-304, 2014
  11. "Safeguarding Endangered Indigenous Languages How Human Rights Can Contribute to Preserving Biodiversity."
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 1, pp.131-144, 2013
  12. "The historical context of the 2003 Convention."
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    UNESCO ICH courier, Vol. 14, pp.3-3, 2013
  13. "Towards a More Integrated Approach to International Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage."
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Environmental Policy and Law, Vol. 1, pp.8-17, 2013
  14. "Heritage and Society"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    hevitage and society, Vol. 4, pp.199-238, 2011
  15. "Democracy and the Approach to Justice in Ancient Athens"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    revue de recherche juridique, pp.303-336, 2011
  16. ""
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 8, pp.11-28, 2011
  17. "the legal and political context of unesco s 2005 convention on the diversity of cultural expressions-will be good for iran"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 1, pp.161-180, 2010
  18. "the role of cul"
    , Janet Elizabet Blake,
    Vol. 7, pp.117-134, 2010
  19. "human rights the environment and the tehran declaration"
    Janet Elizabet Blake, ben boer
    invironmental policy and law, Vol. 39, 2009
  20. ""
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Yearbook of the International Commission Law, Vol. 3, 2009
  21. "report on the international conference on human rights and the environment and its tehran declaration"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 16, 2009
  22. "Towards a better understanding of community involvement for achieving environmentally sustainable development"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 5, pp.1-14, 2008
  23. "The protection of land-based wildlife under international law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 6, pp.21-42, 2008
  24. "Standard-setting instruments promoting multilingualism - launch of the UN Year of Mother Languages UNESCO Paris 21 February 2008"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 2, pp.433-436, 2008
  25. ""
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 6, pp.21-42, 2008
  26. "The international legal framework for the safeguarding and promotion of languages"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 60, pp.14-25, 2008
  27. "Beyond Death The Treatment of Indigenous Human Remains - A Human Rights Perspective"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    ISLAM AND CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS, Vol. 18, pp.367-375, 2007
  28. "The Human Rights Implications of International Cultural Heritage Law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 2, pp.1-18, 2007
  29. "The Right to Cultural Identity Explored from the Perspective of Cultural Heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 1, pp.5-19, 2006
  30. "Sustainable development in international law and its application to ecotourism development"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Vol. 1, pp.12-22, 2005
  31. "Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism development"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    pp.13-33, 2004
  32. "On Developing a New International Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Art Antiquity and Law, Vol. 8, pp.381-411, 2002
  33. "On defining the cultural heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49, pp.61-85, 2000
  34. "International litigation and the restitution of antiquities - the Turkish experience"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    ANTIQUITY, Vol. 72, pp.824-830, 1998
  35. "Export embargoes and the international antiquities market - the Turkish experience"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Art Antiquity and Law, Vol. 2, pp.223-250, 1997
  36. "The protection of the underwater cultural heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 45, pp.819-844, 1996
  37. "The protection of Turkey s underwater archaeological heritage - legislative and other approaches"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 2, pp.273-293, 1994
  38. "حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی غیرمنقول از منظر اصول و نهادهای موثر؛ مطالعه تطبیقی حقوق انگلیس و ایران"
    فروغ حیدری شولی، محمد جلالی، ژانت الیزابت بلک
    پژوهش های نوین حقوق اداری، نسخه 3، صفحات:163-226، 1400
  39. "تاثیر اصل احتیاط در حل تعارضات میان بخشی تجارت-محیط زیست بر یکپارچگی حقوق بین الملل"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک، فاطمه رضائی پور
    مطالعات حقوق عمومی، نسخه 49، صفحات:1003-1023، 1398
  40. "وضعیت حقوقی فعالیت های موثر بر میراث فرهنگی زیرآب"
    محمذ رضوی راد، ژانت الیزابت بلک
    مطالعات حقوق عمومی، نسخه 49، صفحات:881-895، 1398
  41. "ثمرین حقوق محیط زیست در دور آنتروپوسن (نو-انسانی)"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک، امیر پناهنده ثمرین
    فصلنامه علوم محیطی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، نسخه 17، صفحات:15-27، 1398
  42. "چالش های حقوقی حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی زیرآب در پرتو قوانین نجات و کشفیات"
    محمد رضوی راد، ژانت الیزابت بلک
    مطالعات حقوق عمومی، نسخه 49، صفحات:1-21، 1398
  43. "تاملی در خصوص بهره برداری تجاری از میراث زیر فرهنگی زیر آب با تاکید بر رویکرد کنوانسیون 2001 یونسکو"
    محمد رضوی راد، ژانت الیزابت بلک
    پژوهش حقوق عمومی، صفحات:227-250، 1398
  44. "چالش های حقوقی حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی زیر آب در منطق? انحصاری اقتصادی و فلات قاره"
    محمد رضوی راد، ژانت الیزابت بلک، سید قاسم زمانی، مهران محمودی
    مطالعات حقوق عمومی، نسخه 2، صفحات:463-482، 1397
  45. "رعایت موافقت نامه های چندجانبه زیست محیطی توسط دولت ها و نقش تبادل اطلاعات در آن"
    فرهاد جم، ژانت الیزابت بلک
    پژوهش حقوق عمومی، نسخه 19، صفحات:92-125، 1396
  46. "نظام حکمرانی زیستمحیطی جهانی: چالشها و راهکارها"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    علوم محیطی ( علمی - پژوهشی )، نسخه 15، صفحات:141-156، 1396
  47. "ارزیابی دادرسی بین المللی به عنوان شیوه ای از مهار قاچاق اموال فرهنگی"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    مجله تحقیقات حقوقی_نشریه دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، نسخه 3، صفحات:117-144، 1395
  48. "بومیان و جوامع محلی در حقوق بین الملل حفاظت از جانوران وحشی"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک، فاطمه رضائی پور
    مجله پژوهشهای حقوقی(موسسه مطالعات و پژوهشهای حقوقی شهر دانش)، نسخه 2، صفحات:17-64، 1394
  49. "دموکراسی زیست محیطی برای حفاظت از محیط زیست در حقوق بین الملل"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک، فرهاد جم
    راهبرد، نسخه 18، صفحات:165-199، 1388
  50. "اقتصاد جهانگردی میراث فرهنگی"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    مطالعات جهانگردی، صفحات:59-73، 1382
  51. "The importance and legal significance of safeguarding cultural diversity for the preservation of biological diversity"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    فصلنامه علوم محیطی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، نسخه 1، صفحات:15-26، 1381

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "20 Years of UNESCO's 2003 Intangible Heritage Convention: Whence Have We Come and Whither Are We Going?"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    LIVING HERITAGE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT International Conference celebrating 20 Year of the ICH UNESCO Convention, pp.2-21, 2023
  2. "Women, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Progress"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Womens PLace in Iranian-Islamic Civilization, pp.1-11, 2020
  3. "Cultural Heritage as a Resource for and Enabler of Sustainability under International Law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Reinforcing Cooperation on Cultural Heritage in the EU Neighbourhood South, 2018
  4. "Responding to the Destruction of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Situations of Armed Conflict - Which International Law to Apply?"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law, 2018
  5. "What Role Can Museums Play in Taking a Participatory Approach towards ICH Safeguarding?"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Intangible Cultural Heritage, Museums and participation, 2018
  6. "ICH in the Urban Context - Opportunities and Challenges for Building Inclusive Cities and Sustainable Communities"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    2017 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage: Intangible Cultural Heritage and the City, 2017
  7. "Mechanisms for Community Participation in the Intergovernmental Processes of the 2003 Convention"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage Local Communities, Researchers and UNESCO, pp.1-4, 2017
  8. "UNESCO's 2003 Convention and Sustainable Development: the International Policy Context and National Experiences"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Environmental Sustainability, pp.1-18, 2017
  9. "Building a Culture of Peace through Supporting Human Rights and Promoting Cultural Diversity"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    First Meeting on Cultural-Historical Properties Law, 2016
  10. "Culture in the eye of UNESCO cultural diversity and its priorities"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    presented to the Expert Meeting on An Introduction to UNESCO and its Activities in the IR of Iran, 2014
  11. "Gender dynamics of intangible cultural heritage cross-disciplinarity in international law questioning accepted truths and challenging human rights"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2014
  12. "Protecting religious dversity for building peace and preventing violence"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Conference on The Role of Religions in Preventing Violence, 2014
  13. "Culture development and the indivisibility of human rights"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Seminar on An Analytical Review of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action on Human Rights 1993 held by the NAM Center for Human Rights and Cultural, 2014
  14. "Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage - an interdisciplinary approach to international law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    10th Anniversary Conference of the European Society of International Law, 2014
  15. "An Inter-disciplinary Approach to International Law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    10th Anniversary Conference of the European Society of International Law, No 5 , pp.475-489, 2014
  16. "Main legal obstacles to seeking the return of illegally exported and stolen ultural property"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    International Meeting of Judges Case-study of Crimes against Cultural Property UNODC, 2014
  17. "L int r t de l humanit la protection du patrimoine subaquatique."
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    le patrimoine archeologique et son droit, 2012
  18. "The Historical Context of the 2003 Convention and the Contemporary Regional and Global Significance of ICH."
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    The Creative value of lCH for sustainable development, pp.13-19, 2012
  19. "Exploring the relationship between cultural heritage and human rights"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    the firest international conference on human rights and cuture, pp.13-13, 2011
  20. "why protect the past A human rights approach to cultural heritage protection"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    why does the past matter, 2011
  21. "building a cultural of peace through human rights an equitable international order and promoting aculture diversity"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    international conference on world philosophy day 2010, 2010
  22. "protecting the environment -respecting cultural rights and fostering cultural diversity"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    , 2009
  23. "HIV / AIDS A cross-cutting theme in human rights-domestic and international dimensions"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    , 2008
  24. "Democracy in Ancient Athens and related Approaches to Justice"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Pathways to Democracy, 2007
  25. "Beyond Death the Treatment of Indigenous Human Remains"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Attitudes Towards Death in the Context of Social and Technological Changes, 2006
  26. "Developing truly sustainable ecotourism policy-making planning management and legislative approaches"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Sustainable Eco-tourism in Biospheres and Similarly Managed Areas, 2005
  27. "The Right to Cultural Identity Explored form the Perspective of Cultural Heritage Protection"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Identity Diversity and Human Rights, 2003
  28. "Preliminary Study on Developing a New International Convention for Intangible Cultural Heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Intangible Cultural Heritage a Working Definition, 2001
  29. "the Cultural Approach in Geography Geography and Dialogue among"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    the Cultural Approach in Geography Geography and Dialogue among Civilisations, 2000
  30. "The Legal Aspects of UNESCO s 1989 Recommendation on Traditional Culture and Folklore"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on Safeguarding Traditional Culture and Folklore Local Empowerment and International Cooperation, 1999
  31. "The Development of International Law Relating to Intangible Cultural Heritage"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    the Role of Women in the Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage, 1999
  32. "International Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage Existing and Developing Law"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    History and Heritage the Debate Continues, 1997
  33. "National Export Controls Turkey"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Art Export Licensing and the International Market, 1996
  34. "A Tale of Trojan Treasure Lydian Gold and Byzantine Silver the Return of Turkey s Stolen Antiquities"
    Janet Elizabet Blake
    Recovering Stolen Art and Artefacts, 1996
  35. "Ensuring Indigenous peoples' and local communities' rights to food sovereignty - a cultural approach in international law"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    From Food Security to Food Sovereignty in the Framework of Good Governance، صفحات:1-17، 1395
  36. "Protection of ICH in the Event of Armed Conflict"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    La destruction et la dispersion du patrimoine culturel lors des conflits armés، صفحات:1-22، 1394
  37. "Relèvement des défis éthiques de la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    Ethique et patrimoine culturel، صفحات:1-26، 1394
  38. "The Right of Communities' to Participate in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    Intangible Cultural Heritage: National Law and Subjective Rights، صفحات:1-14، 1394
  39. "Women intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    CCN General Assembly and International Women s Forum held by the Inter-City Cultural Network، 1393
  40. "Some reflections on meaning and implications of community involvement in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The second International conference on human Rights qnd cultures legal cultures in support of the Jurisprudence of Humanity، 1391
  41. "Role of human rights and cultural diversity in building a culture of peace"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The second International conference on human Rights qnd cultures legal cultures in support of the Jurisprudence of Humanity، 1391
  42. "The Role of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity in Building a Culture of Peace."
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The second International conference on human Rights qnd cultures legal cultures in support of the Jurisprudence of Humanity، 1391
  43. "Culture Development and the Indivisibility of Human Rights with Reference to the Millenium Development Goals (La culture le d veloppement et l indivisibilit des droits de l homme faisant r f rence aux objectifs mill naires pour le d veloppement"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The Right to development and liberties primary responsibility of international coopertion، 1391
  44. "the historical context of the 2003 convention and contemporary regional and global significance of ICH"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    creative value of ich for sustianable development، 1391
  45. "Human Rights and the Millenium Development Goals."
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    international workshop on human Rights and Development، 1391
  46. "پرورش تنوع زبانی و چند زبانگی"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    تنوع فرهنگی - فرصتی برای ایران، 1388
  47. "Exploring UNESCO s New International Convention for Intangible Cultural Heritage Where Are the Women"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The Role of Women in the Transmission and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage، 1383
  48. "The 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage What Does it Mean in Practice"
    ژانت الیزابت بلک
    The Role of Women in the Transmission and Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage، 1383